
最近测试了一些IFC IFCXML,发现了一个有趣的现象。


有一个小别墅模型,RVT格式10MB左右,导出了一个140MB的IFC文件。而其他10MB左右的RVT模型,导出的IFC都是2-5 MB。






这是我咨询一位澳大利亚的开发者,他给我的回复。同时他也是IFCWIKI官方认证的Blender BIM插件的主要开发者:

Revit is notorious for inefficient mesh descriptions in IFC. The primary cause of this is due to inefficient swept / blend curve handling. Internally, Revit stores the curve, but converts it to a mesh when exporting. This can result in two Revit files that look extremely similar, but one may have a huge size in IFC whereas the other will not.
When Revit re-imports the IFCXML, it is forced to meshify everything, since Revit’s parametric geometry round-tripping isn’t very good (but then again, most software’s geometry round-tripping is pretty poor). This results in a further explosion of filesize.






If any CG modeler ever modeled meshes the same way that Revit does it under the hood, they would be fired. Simple things like egress exit signs which should be 6 polygons in any sane software ends up being over 500 polygons in Revit due to how Revit decides to show it in IFC - if the user has inadvertently triggered one of the problems listed in that wiki article. For this reason, IFCs produced from the BlenderBIM Add-on actually can contain much more complex buildings at a fraction of the size of the IFCs coming out of Revit.



When Revit exports geometry to IFC, it may process it in a way that may lead to loss of information or inefficient data storage. Optimising geometry is highly advised to maintain quick workflows between OpenBIM and Revit.
Within Revit, the currently exported Element ID will be shown in the status bar on the bottom left during the export process. Watching this at export time and making a note of any Element IDs that take a particularly long time to export will help identify those with geometric issues that Revit is struggling with.


IFC4 contains much more efficient ways of storing both mesh and non mesh geometry. Whenever possible, it is advised to export IFC files in the IFC4 format. This can result in significant filesize reductions. As an example, an IFC produced from Revit of a single object resulted in a filesize of 16,098kB. The same object re-exported to IFC4 using the BlenderBIM Add-on reduced the object to 4,487kb with no loss in geometric detail.

This filesize reduction occurs due to two improvements in the IFC4 data format. The first is the new tesselated shape supports, which allow a much more efficient description of meshes compared to the IFC2X3 faceted BREPs. The second is due to the improved support in Revit of exporting parametric geometry in IFC.




标签: revit
2023.6.28   /   热度:471   /   分类: IFC


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